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LiveData NUM

The LiveData NUM catalog provides access to different data types regarding the National University of Mongolia (NUM). The catalog publishes data regarding the NUM research results, the university staff, the organization, the educational courses, and many other aspects of university life. The data published by the LiveData NUM catalog represents the information required to define Digital University (DU) Services.

МУИС-ийн оюутан бүрт үргэлж тавигддаг хэд хэдэн чухал асуулт байдаг. Аль хичээлийг сонгож суралцах вэ? Хэн багшийг сонгох вэ? Хичээлийн хуваариа яаж өөрт эвтэйхэн зохиох вэ? Эдгээр асуултад хариулж тухайн улиралд авах ачаалал, суралцах төлөвлөгөө зэргийг зохицуулж өөрийн суралцах замыг гаргадаг. Зөвхөн хичээлийн хуваарь зохиоход л хамгийн багадаа нэг оюутан 4 цаг бүү хэл зарцуулдаг гэвэл нийт оюутны зарцуулах цаг нь маш их, ойролцоогоор нэг хүн 4 ... more

LiveData NUM

The LiveData NUM catalog provides access to different data types regarding the National University of Mongolia (NUM). The catalog publishes data regarding the NUM research results, the university staff, the organization, the educational courses, and many other aspects of university life. The data published by the LiveData NUM catalog represents the information required to define Digital University (DU) Services.

LiveData NUM

The LiveData NUM catalog provides access to different data types regarding the National University of Mongolia (NUM). The catalog publishes data regarding the NUM research results, the university staff, the organization, the educational courses, and many other aspects of university life. The data published by the LiveData NUM catalog represents the information required to define Digital University (DU) Services.

LiveData NUM

The LiveData NUM catalog provides access to different data types regarding the National University of Mongolia (NUM). The catalog publishes data regarding the NUM research results, the university staff, the organization, the educational courses, and many other aspects of university life. The data published by the LiveData NUM catalog represents the information required to define Digital University (DU) Services.